Spiritual Guidance
Spiritual Guidance
Also known as spiritual direction or spiritual companionship, spiritual guidance is about deepening one’s awareness of the Divine Presence within one’s life. It is a practice that invites a person to pay attention to the movements and invitations of the Spirit that continue to draw the person into greater personal integrity, closer union with the Mystery many name God, and ever expanding compassion for the world.
There are multiple opportunities to engage with spiritual guidance here at Siena Retreat Center, whether it is requesting a single session during a personal retreat, attending a week-long directed retreat during the summer months, or participating in ongoing monthly spiritual direction.
Fees are based on a sliding scale, ranging from $50 to $75 per session. Scholarship funds are also available. Our experienced spiritual guides are listed below.
To learn more about spiritual guidance, please email Vicky Curtiss, at vcurtiss@sienaretreatcenter.org
Become a Spiritual Guide
Have you considered becoming a spiritual guide? Explore Siena Retreat Center’s Spiritual Guidance Training Program to learn more.
Meet Our Spiritual Guides

Kathy Andrews
Spiritual Guide and Supervisor
Kathy Andrews understands spiritual guidance to be an opportunity to walk around in and explore your life experience and relationship with Holy Presence. Knowing that each of us holds a great wisdom deep within, she listens with you as that voice of holy longing and wisdom awakens new awareness within you, leading you into deeper knowing of who you are and who you are called to be in relationship with the Divine. She is also a spiritual guidance supervisor.

Catherine Androyna
Spiritual Guide
Catherine Androyna provides deep listening in both the sharing of sacred stories and in silence to individuals who desire companionship on their spiritual journey so that they can be more conscious of their relationship with the Divine so that they can discern, transform, or heal.

Kathleen Bohn, OP
Spiritual Guide and Supervisor
Kathleen Bohn, OP, a Racine Dominican, is a spiritual guide, retreat leader, labyrinth facilitator, and weaver and is deeply committed to Earth. Kathleen has a master’s degree in counseling, is trained in spiritual direction, has taken the labyrinth facilitator training from Lauren Artress, and has done work in Jungian psychology and dream work. She helped initiate—and lives at—the Racine Dominican Eco-Justice Center. Sr. Kathleen is also a spiritual guidance supervisor.

Vicky Curtiss
Spiritual Guide and Supervisor
Vicky Curtiss is the Program Director at Siena Retreat Center, offering her own retreats and spiritual guidance as well as planning events that others facilitate. She has an M. Div. from McCormick Theological Seminary in Chicago and served the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) for forty years as an ordained clergyperson in the roles of pastor, spiritual director, and presbytery executive. She has also been the director of three non-profits with mission outreach. Vicky was trained at Siena to be a supervisor of spiritual guides as well as a supportive grief companion. She is also a widow and certified grief coach. In spiritual guidance, she offers a sacred space of deep listening that opens ways for you to discern how the Spirit is moving in your life.

Julie Filipic
Spiritual Guide and Supervisor
Julie Filipic is a spiritual guide, supervisor, and natural dreamwork practitioner. She brings the gifts of intuitive, deep listening and a compassionate presence to those who desire a greater awareness of the sacred in their lives and a deeper connection to God/Holy Mystery and to their own inner knowing. By being present and noticing the movement of the Spirit, you can experience greater clarity and freedom which you carry within you and with you into the world. I believe that dreams are a resource that can guide us to healing and wholeness.

Ruth Hoenick
Spiritual Guide
Ruth Hoenick listens to your sacred stories as you explore a relationship with the divine. In this sharing you gather wisdom and knowledge of yourself and God. Working together, you may create new paths and openness within one’s heart and soul. Ruth regularly encourages expression through visual arts, journaling, music, and sustained silence. Ruth holds a Master’s Degree in Education and presents spiritual and 12-Step retreats throughout the United States.

Marilyn Kortendick
Spiritual Guide
Marilyn Kortendick offers the gift of deep listening. Whatever you bring to your session, whatever your story is – this is your time. Marilyn offers insightful, open-ended questions to help in your discernment. With space for stillness and silence, spiritual guidance offers an opportunity to become aware of what is deep within, creating a stronger relationship with yourself, others, and most importantly, God. She believes that spiritual guidance can help you better understand that “The Kingdom of Heaven is Within.”

Maureen McCarthy, SSSF
Spiritual Guide
Maureen McCarthy, SSSF, believes in a loving God, present to each person in every moment and experience of life; a God who desires relationship with us and gifts us with everything we need for our life’s journey into wholeness. She welcomes any who are seeking to deepen their relationship with the Divine, to discover their deepest identity and purpose in life, and who are discerning an important decision or new life direction. She has a Master’s in Religious Studies from Mundelein College and a Graduate Certificate in Cross-Cultural Mission from Catholic Theological Union in Chicago, IL.

Maureen McDonnell, OP
Spiritual Guide
Maureen McDonnell, OP, is a Sinsinawa Dominican Sister, spiritual guide and retreat minister. She is a 2006 graduate of Siena Retreat Center’s Spiritual Guidance Training Program. Maureen brings a background in teaching and 30 years of experience in college campus ministry.

Stephanie Mondello
Spiritual Guide
Stephanie Mondello brings a welcoming spirit and inquisitive mind to seekers who desire to deepen their openness to the Sacred. She has a particular appreciation for individuals who find themself in transition in their life, religious affiliation, or who have been wounded by their religious community. Some of the life experiences that have formed her as a person include the stillbirth of a child, forgiveness after infidelity, and divorce. She has a Master’s in Theological Studies in New Testament and Early Christian Literature. She loves tai chi, music, and being a granny to seven grandkids.

Mark Petersen
Spiritual Guide and Supervisor
Mark Petersen offers spiritual guidance with a compassionate and calming presence for those who are open to explore their inner wholeness and divine essence. Rachel Naomi Remen writes: “There is a hidden seed of greater wholeness in everyone and everything. We serve well when we water and befriend it.” Spiritual guidance is simply nurturing that greater wholeness that is in every human story. It is an honor and privilege to hold these sacred stores that give life. Mark has been a Lutheran (ELCA) Pastor for over 40 years.

Ruthanne Reed, OP
Spiritual Guide
Ruthanne Reed, OP, is a Racine Dominican sister who has a background as an educator, missionary preacher, and parish pastoral minister. She is a spiritual guide and a graduate of Siena Retreat Center’s Spiritual Guidance Training Program. Se ofrece dirección espiritual en español con Ruthanne Reed, OP.

Pat Shutts
Spiritual Guide
Pat Shutts has a BA in Theology and an MA in Pastoral Studies, and received certification in spiritual guidance from Creighton University. Pat brings her gift of compassionate listening and openness to the Spirit, and companions seekers as they acknowledge and discover God’s presence in all of life’s journey. She loves art, play, and prayer.

Karen Vollmer, OP
Spiritual Guide
Karen Vollmer, OP, treasures the roots of Dominican contemplative spirituality: “to contemplate and give to others the fruits of one’s contemplation” as well as study, motivating her to obtain advanced degrees in Pastoral Counseling, Religious Studies and Adult Spiritual Development, as well as training in Spiritual Guidance, Capacitar Training and Polarity Therapy. Karen brings a zest for healthy, holy living in the wonder of divine initiative.