The Healing Practice of Ho’oponopono

Saturday, March 15, 2025; 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Facilitator(s): Gerald Farinas, Vicky Curtiss


decorative image summarizing Ho'oponopono Hawaiian spiritual retreat in Racine, Wisconsin


Ho’oponopono is a Native Hawaiian prayer practice that is a transformative tool for healing, reconciliation, and resolution. It centers on a powerful mantra: “I’m sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you, I love you.” It has been adapted to include “I forgive you” for work in healing loss and trauma.

During this morning of reflection, we will learn how to use this prayer by writing a letter to another person, living or dead, (which may or may not be sent) as a powerful step towards deeper understanding, letting go, and compassion.

Dates and Details
Saturday, March 15, 2025
9:00am – 12:00pm
The cost of this retreat is $40

Registration Information
You may register and pay online by clicking the yellow “Register Here” button above, by calling the front desk at 262-898-2590 with a credit card number, or by mailing a check made out to Siena Retreat Center.” Payment must be received to complete registration.

Please see our Frequently Asked Questions page for our cancellation policies and other helpful information.

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About the Facilitators

Gerald FarinasGerald Farinas

Born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii, as the grandson and great grandson of sugarcane plantation laborers, Gerald Farinas attended Loyola University Chicago and Harper College. He is a Resident Services Director for Covenant Ministries of Benevolence and a dementia and Alzheimer’s educator. He is passionate about issues relating to hunger and civil liberties and he serves as a ruling elder at Edgewater Presbyterian Church in Chicago.

Vicky CurtissVicky Curtiss

Vicky Curtiss is the Program Director for Siena Retreat Center, which involves leading retreats, arranging for programs, and offering spiritual guidance.  She has an M. Div. from McCormick Theological Seminary in Chicago and served the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) for forty years as an ordained clergy in the roles of pastor, spiritual director, and presbytery executive. She has also been the director of three faith-based non-profit organizations. Vicky has been trained as a spiritual director, SoulCollage® facilitator, labyrinth facilitator, grief support companion, and grief coach. Vicky also been a consultant to many organizations for envisioning and discernment which she included in a booklet she authored called "Guidelines for Communal Discernment." Vicky loves reading, theater, quilting, being in nature, and engaging in anti-racism work.