Cosmic Spirituality in an Expanding Universe with Dr. Brian Swimme

Saturday, March 29, 2025; 2:00pm - 3:30pm
Facilitator(s): Brian Swimme


Celebration Of Cosmology Brian Swimme March Instagram Square


The great discovery of four centuries of modern science is the cosmic creativity that constructed two trillion galaxies out of the primordial elementary particles that emerged fourteen billion years ago.  The great challenge of the present moment is to articulate the ways in which this new cosmology resonates with the essential core of our wisdom traditions.  We are more than Democrats and Republicans, more than Americans and Chinese, more than Christians and Muslims.  We are all cosmological beings with a destiny that is tied to this cosmic creativity. This Zoom event is offered in collaboration with The Well Spirituality Center which is celebrating its 25th anniversary.

Dates and Details
Saturday, March 29, 2025
2:00pm – 3:30pm
The cost of this retreat is $25.

This is a virtual retreat offered via Zoom. A basic familiarity with Zoom is expected of participants.

Registration Information
You may register and pay online by clicking the yellow “Register Here” button above, by calling the front desk at 262-898-2590 with a credit card number, or by mailing a check made out to Siena Retreat Center.” Payment must be received to complete registration.

Please see our Frequently Asked Questions page for our cancellation policies and other helpful information.

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About the Facilitators

Brian SwimmeBrian Swimme

Brian Thomas Swimme is Professor Emeritus of Cosmology at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco and Director of the Third Story of the Universe at Human Energy, a public benefit non-profit that focuses on scientific and interdisciplinary research on the future of human collective consciousness. He earned a Ph.D. in gravitational dynamics from the University of Oregon, and is the host of the PBS special "Journey of the Universe."  His most recent media work is the video series "The Story of the Noosphere." Swimme's books include The Universe is a Green Dragon, The Universe Story (co-authored by Thomas Berry), The Hidden Heart of the Cosmos, The Journey of the Universe (co-authored by Mary Evelyn Tucker), and The Story of the Noosphere.  Swimme is known for his work that integrates scientific discoveries and an emerging narrative of the universe.