Outdoor Labyrinth
“ We are not human beings on a spiritual path. We are spiritual beings on a human path. “
— Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
The labyrinth is an archetype, a divine imprint, found in religious traditions in various forms around the world. By walking the labyrinth we are discovering a long forgotten mystical tradition.
A Cretan-style, 7-circuit labyrinth, overlooking Lake Michigan, graces our outdoor environment. The Cretan labyrinth has been found on the isle of Crete, and was walked as a symbol of the spiritual journey as far back as 2600 BC.
Siena Retreat Center also carries ceramic Chartres-style labyrinths in our Bookstore. The Chartres design originated in Roman times and was also built into the marble floor of the Chartres Cathedral in France in the 1200s AD.
For more information on walking this ancient meditation tool, please contact us at (262) 898-2590.