
Siena Retreat Center’s on-site Bookstore features a variety of resources for contemporary spirituality. Walk-ins are welcome!

Open Hours

Siena Retreat Center’s Bookstore is open Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm, and on Saturdays, 9:00am to 12:00 noon. Do you have a question? Call ahead to (262) 898-2590.

Gift Certificates

Gift certificates are available by contacting:
Siena Retreat Center Bookstore
(262) 898-2590


Popular authors include Pema Chodron, Paula D’Arcy, Thich Nhat Hanh, Robin Wall Kimmerer, Mark Nepo, Richard Rohr, and Joyce Rupp. Topics include social and environmental justice, grief and aging, Christian mystics and prayer, Eastern spiritualities and Buddhism, spiritual direction, Centering Prayer, personal growth, creativity, poetry, and much more.

Handmade and Fair Trade Items

– Hand-crafted loom weavings made by Sr. Kathleen
– Fair Trade chocolate, tea, coffee, and nuts from Equal Exchange
– Sustainably made socks from Merge4
– Singing bowls from Nepal
– Peace + All Good soaps and lotions from Franciscan Peacemakers benefiting women survivors of exploitation
– A wide variety of framed and unframed prints, and posters including “The Last Supper” by Bodhan Piasecki


Our wide selection of greeting cards for many occasions contain just the right messages. Selections include:
– Cards by Anne
– Credo
– Biely & Shoaf
– and many others

For more information about Siena Retreat Center’s Bookstore, call 262-898-2590 or email retreats@sienaretreatcenter.org.

close-up of a variety of spiritual books on a bookshelf
racks of cards and other gift items available for sale at a spiritual retreat center bookstore
books, art work, singing bowls and other items available in the bookstore of a spiritual retreat center